Our Story

Who We Are

BeautDoozy is positioned on the outskirts of trends and temporary fashion, still connected but different. Like you, we want to be noticed! So we create to express a playful, bold and defiant worldview that's boho too.

What We Do

We're here to inspire you to 'feed your fire' and be your 'true self'. Put on our good-vibe clothes that stay longer in your wardrobe by playing with each other. Use our décor items to express thoughts and feelings without words.

Why We Do It

Our goal is to foster self-expression. With creative ideas, we aim to gather a boundless inclusive community of free spirits and bohemians of every gender who dare to be seen and heard.

Where You Fit In

Join us and change intention to action, doubt to fire. Be more visible, the world can learn from you.


B.e Proud of Our Being

E.xpress Our Truth

A.spire to Blossom

U.nbind from Conventions

T.ake Care of Our World

D.evelop Our Talents

O.mnify Our Horizon

O.perate with Gratitude

Z.oom in on Acceptance

Y.eve Our Knowledge