
Gabrielle Loesch is a multi-hyphenate, creator, speaker, designer, artist, stylist, and humanist. Having travelled a few times around the world, her cultural blend is a chosen mix of exotism from different places. It's down to earth, as she emotionally relates to the under-privileged.

In her teens, Gabrielle was mentored by the interior architect and surrealist painter, Marcel Pétron. However, due to her parents strict modus operandi, she always hid these precious moments of artistry. Repeatedly told by her mother that she'd never succeed at anything, Gabrielle asked 'why' later on and discovered it was her mother's idea of encouragement.

Gabrielle studied at the renowned Esmod School of Fashion Design in Paris. Other creative expressions in custom jewellery, photography, interior design and writing, were further developed in New York and California, resulting in styling multiple homes, selling Princess Gabrielle Jewelry to department stores, and exhibiting art in Europe and North America.

At Erickson International Coaching in Vancouver, Canada, Gabrielle studied with Marilyn Atkinson, a thought leader and pioneer in Industrial Psychology. It was then, for the first time in her life, that Gabrielle heard of the Impostor Syndrome. She became aware of the dichotomy between her naturally prolific creativity and the ingrained message that failure was inevitable.

She learned to understand the ebb tide of her creative energy that receded with the fear of being discovered, being judged as an impostor, someone 'not good enough' to practice artistry. And then, with a renewed belief in herself and the support of friends, how another tide produced beautiful results, that again, were hidden or thrown away. In this state of flux, her artistic life was a cycle of positive-negative that psychically became exhausting.

Following work in the commercial arena in Europe and the U.S., Gabrielle switched to the non-profit sector when she settled in Ontario, Canada. There, she assisted underprivileged minorities, notably refugees and LGBT. What made her relate to these communities ignored or repudiated by normative societies, was the rejection she'd experienced from her own family.

She understood all too well, the pain of isolation, of retalation for simply being true to one's self. In search of where and with whom she could belong creatively, Gabrielle founded Beautdoozy. The 'where' was online and the 'whom' was people who had met the same rejection and isolation when they dared to show their authentic self, a doozy self, i.e. unique, hence beaut in essence.

Through BeautDoozy's offerings, Gabrielle aims to share her personal evolution toward truth and freedom from negative messages. By going public, she also wants to promote gender and non-gender equality, care for the planet and respect for all living creatures, which includes the authentic nature deeply rooted in each human being.

Having experienced prejudice up close, Gabrielle infuses BeautDoozy with support and empowerment to combat the pain of being categorized as different by conventions. Standing for the authenticity that beautiful and doozy individuals dare to express, BeautDoozy's designs silently say, 'I am here as My Self, and I Matter.'

The overall goal for Gabrielle and BeautDoozy is to develop CONSCIOUS DRESSING WITH INTENTION -dressing up bodies and walls- And how is it done?

1. With the thoughtful purchase of items that aren't thrown away in fast consumption.
2. By harmonizing new items with old ones, mix-matching boho style, experimenting, having fun.
3. With focus on a goal, choosing the right items to help achieve it.
4. And by strengthening an Intention with visualization.

Now, check the website and let Your TRUE Self go wild!