
Each product at BeautDoozy is either made specifically for you, is one-of-a-kind accessory, or a carefully curated item. Watch for unique and exotic pieces handmade by skilled artisans, coming soon.

We encourage you to choose wisely before purchasing, as our slow-consumption value does not support unreasonable returns. The obvious reasons are waste, landfills, direct negative impact on people, flora, fauna, the ocean, you know it, the whole planet!

Around 85% of all textiles produced by the fashion industry end up in landfills, however the trend is to produce more than what's expected to sell. And why? To change our buying habits, to have us consume clothes like they're perishable food.

Use and throw, use and throw, let's buy new stuff tomorrow (sad song).

Owning a sustainable wardrobe involves creating it like an artistic collage of your personality. If you know the colors that make you glow, start buying in that range. Then by mixing pieces in different ways, all your looks have a common thread.

Of course, it's not profitable to say 'buy less' but our responsibility makes us say 'BUY WELL'. With this in mind, we've created Fashion Collections and Art Giclées that are well made by manufacturers who care about textiles and dies.

In order to last, BeautDoozy is positioned on the outskirts of trends and temporary fashion, still connected but different. Surround yourself with our good-vibe clothes that play with each other and stay longer in your wardrobe. Our décor items can move from room to room and stay fresh.

If you believe you're too small to make a difference... think of what a mosquito can do when you're trying to sleep!